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Altme - Settings

Talao Settings Screen

This is the Settings menu of the wallet.

  1. Wallet Profiles: allows you to select one of the embedded ecosystem profiles.
  2. Wallet Security: allows you to change the PIN code, use biometrics, show the wallet recovery phrase, manage user consent, backup, and restore features.
  3. Wallet Settings: allows you to change the language and themes.
  4. Blockchain Settings : allows you to manage accounts, connected dApps & Networks
  5. Self-Sovereign identity (SSI) : allows you to manage your Decentralized ID, backup or rester credentials
  6. Developer Mode: allows advanced users to access raw data and protocol requests and responses.
  7. Help center: access to the help center and FAQs
  8. About: access the terms and conditions document.
  9. Reset: resets the wallet, deleting all credentials and private keys with no option to undo if no backup is available.

The menu may vary depending on the configuration of the wallet.